Katherine Dancing in the Rain

Katherine Dancing in the Rain
Summer 2010 - before her neurological hurricane

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Very Ticcy Day . . .

Please read the following before going to the video link.

Before watching video of Katherine please prepare yourself to think what she is thinking and feel what she is feeling. What if that were happening to you? Similarly, try to put yourself in our shoes as her parents. What if that were your child? Or what if that were happening to your existing son or daughter?

MOST IMPORTANTLY: before you watch any videos you should be willing to trust that our assessments of her are correct. She has the complete attention of very knowledgable adults for several hours every day. During those times, almost everything she does is monitored and analyzed. Amongst those people are people with years of education and experience in special education, autism, and behavioral analysis. They include a number of people who have worked with her extensively since she was 2.5 years old. A pediatric neurologist has looked at many examples of what is happening to her and diagnosed her with Tourettes. THESE ARE NOT TANTRUMS. THEY ARE TICS. They are neurological misfirings. I am happy to answer any doubts or concerns!

That being said here is the link. http://www.dropshots.com/rwigdahl#date/2011-12-26/17:10:26
The guest password is katiebug. I will post descriptions of individual videos with the video instead of on the blog.

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